This version of the Stashboard is for yarn entries only.

The stash has several different views to facilitate searching and browsing. Creating new views and filters is very simple, so save the views that work for you!

Stash - Shell

Stash Usage creates a many-to-many relationship between your stash and projects. This means you can link multiple Import Aug 27, 2019 to one entry, and you can link multiple entries to one Import Aug 27, 2019 . Linking them also enables you to see the amount of yarn used in a project and how much yarn remains in your stash. There are more specific instructions on using this linkage table when you open the page.

Stash Usage - Shell

I've also included some starter libraries based on my own data. These tables can be used to link and auto-populate your stash.

Yarns - no handspun

Yarn Companies

Fiber varieties

Project Notebook